Tis the season for businesses all over the map to send out holiday gifts and cards. This blog entry is designed to give examples of what is right and what is wrong in this practice...
Doin' it wrong...

The CEO of one of our software vendors is a follower of a certain school of thought authored by a certain science fiction author. This CEO "schools" his employees in the teachings of this late prophet.
Now, I'm all for folks believing in what ever they want. I'm even OK with sending out holiday cards with demonstrating thier beliefs. On the other hand ... Seriously!?!?!? Didn't the German government kick Microsoft's butt over your technology being imbedded in Windows? Have you considered that, well, frankly, you might want to examine who your audience is before you send out a card like this?!?!?
Doin' it right...

Here we have the example of cheer done exceptionally well. The very kind gentleman who presented me with this lovely bottle of BV Pinot Noir (Carneros Valley) understands that I enjoy a good Pinot (he gave my boss a different bottle, by the way, because we have different tastes, and this most excellent vendor understands that).
There's no proselytizing, no controversial "immortal spirits from another galaxy inhabiting our bodies" -- just some superior grape juice, lovingly crafted by our friends from the north (Napa).