Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Small, emergency, backup camera...

Dave Barry, the humorist behind such classics as "Dave Barry Turns 40" and "Big Trouble" used to write, in his daily column, all the time about his "large main dog, Earnest, and his small, emergency backup dog, Zippy". This turn of phrase never stopped making me smile and chuckle (an indication of what an easy target I am for humor).

Anyway, we were shopping today in Walgreens, and I came across this beauty. At 2" x 1 1/4" x 1/2", it's quite the little guy. The pictures it takes, while not quite up to the quality of the mighty D70, are still pretty not terrible. See the picture below for an example.

Alas, this petite picture taker has one HUGE drawback -- there are no Mac drivers for it. I have to download on a PC (or VMWARE Fusion session running XP), then transfer to the Mac to get the pictures into iPhoto. Quelle dommage! Quelle Horreur!

Yet, back the other day, when my D70 batteries died as I tried to take the Redwood picture, this might have been nice to have.

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