Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hol(e)y sock...

10252007 008

I love these sccks. They are made of bamboo thread by a division of Gold Toe. They are soft, and absorbant, and very comfortable.

Target used to sell them until very recently, but now they are nowhere to be found.

Unfortunately, most of my pairs are starting to endure the same fate as these.

I keep looking at Target (and Walmart, and Macys, and anywhere else I can find) for these beauties.


  1. Hey Paul, I work with Gold Toe socks and wanted to give you a little update on your beloved Auro style. Unfortunately your worries are founded and this style will be no longer available by Spring. Currently it's still in a few Target stores, but not many. The good news is two-fold: 1) I wrangled up a package of your favorite socks and can send them to you if you shoot me an e-mail, and 2) While the Auro style will be discontinued, there are comparable Gold Toe brand styles available in department stores.

    Sorry for your loss! :)

    Erica Erland
    Maxwell PR - Gold Toe
    erica (at) maxwellpr (dot) com


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