Friday, December 28, 2007

That was one tough test...

Aw Crap

Well, I can't always put down the stuff I'm proud of. Sometimes I just have to document what actually happens.

In this case, I was all of 10 points shy of passing (I needed 825 out of 1000, I got 815). Had I passed, I would have earned my Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). Alas, now I have to study harder, pay another $150, and take the test again.


  1. Ouch... Yeah I talked to Andy last night about the tests, he said that there were 2 questions that he put aside and wanted to go back to but the exams don't let you go back once you skip a question.. I'm gonna take extra care to make sure I'm ready when I take my MCSE tests since I have to drive 30 miles just to take them.. Turns out, the testing center I took my A+ exams at stopped being a testing center at the end of the month that I took my tests..

    I don't know if Andy told y'all or not, but I might be going to Sunnyvale, CA for a week or so at the end of January for some training on Shoretel (VOIP System)..


  2. A shame, but that's life I suppose. As you say, you can always take it again & better luck next time.

  3. :( My sympathies. I took the real estate exam 3 times - first I was TWO points the second time ONE point away from passing :)

    Happy New Year!


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