Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Starting to come around


Arnie the foster dog is starting to come around. He doesn't pee himself everytime he sees me move anymore, and Caryn is actually able to get him to come to her by talking to him.

Much progress!!

Still a long way to go though.


  1. Cute dog. Glad to see you're working with him.

  2. Wow. Glad to hear he's doing better. I can't imagine what kind of abuse he must have suffered. What I do know is, there's a special place in hell for people who abuse animals and small children and people who rescue either are going straight to heaven!

  3. He actually wasn't abused, just not socialized.

    You can read the whole story at

    I don't think the lady was evil or bad, if anything, she just tried to help too much.

  4. Paul: Thanks for the clarification. I made a snap judgment there. Glad to know this little guy is coming around!


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