Monday, May 26, 2008

Road Trip -- Day 3

Big Cross

In Groom, Texas, the Knights of Columbus have erected what they claim to be the "Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere" (it isn't - there is one in Illinois that is 8 feet larger).

After there, we passed through Shamrock, TX, where we ran smack-dab into a nasty thunderstorm. Our first clue that we might be in trouble were these "Biscuit" clouds

Biscuit Clouds

These are indications of immense instability aloft. Then we hit the heavy stuff. Marble-sized hail smashing down on the rental car making us feel like we were being crushed


But, we made it. I write this from the comfort of my mom's living room. The rest of the week will be scenes of Oklahoma City and Texas.


  1. Great images all round. The first is just the most dramatic. The composition is perfect.

  2. You know you're in Texas when...
    LOL i'm sure y'all don't miss that huh?! Can't wait to see y'all tomorrow!! YAY!!!


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