Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ABC Wednesday -- B is for Bad Weather

Bad Weather on the way

Folklore says that a ring around the moon predicts the onset of unsettled weather, especially in the winter. Given that the forecast for Thursday is calling for record amounts of freezing rain, sleet, and snow, I'd say that the ring isn't lying.

To view other contributions to the ABC Wednesdays project, look here


  1. I don't know about the record amounts, but we are supposed to be having rain, sleet and ice-rain as well tonight and tomorrow! Global moon or what?

  2. Hope your bad weather isn't too bad. Ice is never a good thing unless it's in a beverage.

    My Blue Walk in the Mall is here.

  3. Would that be the bad moon rising that CCR sang about?

    My mother-in-law says that tomorrow's forecast in Albany, NY is none too good as well.

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you. – Ramblin’ with Roger

  4. Sounds like you are in for some unpleasant weather. Great shot of the moon.

  5. I believe it! Great shot of that moon!


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