Friday, April 30, 2010

Austin and Kaylee playing


We took Austin up to Kansas City and he met and got to play with Kaylee, his cousin.



Austin and Kaylee each got a Jack Russell Terrier at the Build-A-Bear.



Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ABC Wednesdays -- O is for Onions in the Oven


To view other contributions to the ABC Wednesdays project, look here

Georges Stables, Stillwater, OK


On our way up to Kansas City this weekend, we stopped off in my old college town, Stillwater, and had lunch at Eskimo Joes (next set of pics).

This place is across the street from Joes. It is significant because Garth Brooks used to play there when he was in college at Oklahoma State.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mall of America -- Lego Store


There is a huge Lego store in the mall. Here are some interesting things found there:

Prehistoric Creatures




The ISS and Shuttle




And Other Stuff Too



Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mall of America -- Baseball Ties


The mall was built on the site of the old Metropolitan Stadium (where the Twins played). This plaque marks the spot where the old home plate. They also kept a stadium seat on the spot where favorite son Harmon Killebrew's longest home (520') run landed. It is really weird seeing this red stadium seat seemingly randomly placed on a wall in a corner of the amusement park in the mall.


from a different angle


Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mall Of America


On my way out of town, I went by the famous Mall of America to get some pictures of this fascinating place. I'll be posting these pictures in the next several days.

MofA is a pretty interesting place. You can even get married here!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ABC Wednesday -- N is for Nuclear Power Plant


Yeah, I know, I'm posting a little early...

This is the Prairie Island Nuclear Generation Station south and east of the twin cities. More info about this plant can be found here

I'm back home in Oklahoma on Thursday

To view other contributions to the ABC Wednesdays project, look here

Mural in downtown Minneapolis


I don't pretend to know what is behind this mural, but it was colorful and creative.



In Minnesota for a couple of days. This is at "Fish Lake Regional Park" (as is the next few).

I've been corrected -- these are actually cattails (one of the Typha varieties), not pussywillows. My apologies for misleading you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ABCWednesdays -- M is for Mailboxes


To view other contributions to the ABC Wednesdays project, look here

Monday, April 12, 2010

Smiling Light


This light fixture in downtown OKC seemed to form a smiling face. I liked the juxtaposition of the clouds and other structures in relation to the light fixture.

Thunder flag


Our city is caught in playoff fever. The Thunder, the former Seattle Supersonics, who moved here a couple of years ago, are actually in the playoffs. This makes the first time that a major league team in a big time sport has been in a playoff situation in Oklahoma history.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ABC Wednesdays -- L is for Lime and Lemon


To view other contributions to the ABC Wednesdays project, look here

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adoption event


We took Grover to an adoption event at Petco on Saturday. No one has filed any apps for him yet, so you can still get on him!

Spring has sprung in OKC -- Part 1


I'm 3 pictures behind, so I'm cheating (a little) and running 3 pictures in a row with the same basic theme.