Saturday, December 1, 2007

December Theme Day -- Bridges


I'm not a member of the "City Daily Photo Blogs" yet, but I've applied. These guys do a theme picture on the first day of each month, and for December, it's "Bridges".

Here's mine.

That's BOB (Big Orange Bridge, or, as most people know it, the Golden Gate Bridge) in the background.


  1. Paul, that'd be great if you got in. Keep us "in the know"!

  2. Hi Paul - I noticed you joined the forum [which is not the same thing as joining your blog] - since I'm still updating my bridge post at Hyde DP I'll add a link to this post.

    A couple of brief points - it isn't immediately obvious from the title of your blog what your city is - whilst not essential or obligatory, it might help if it were included - and secondly, a lot of us don't like blogs that force music on visitors.

    all the best and welcome to the world of dp

  3. That is a wonderful photo of a wonderful city (and bridge). You know that song, I Left My Heart . . . well, I fell in love with that city when I visited there and that love rages on inside me still.


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