Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ABC Wednesdays -- E is for Ears


This is Mercy. Mercy just had surgery to remove a nasty tumor on her lower jaw. She's all better now -- see her ears up and everything?

Each Wednesday I, along with several other bloggers, will be posting pictures related to that week's letter of the alphabet. Click the link above or the picture below to see the other wonderful posts.


  1. What a cute picture. I love the name Mercy...Hope the healing is quick. A very nice ABC "E"

  2. there is a sesame Street song: "I got two":
    "I got 2 ears, 1, 2
    they can can make me hear, 1, 2"
    Your post reminded me!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. She's cute. Glad that she's on the mend.

    ABC Wednesday team

  4. good that she is healing quickly :) a very cute dog..

    Leo - ABC Wednesday E

  5. I am so glad to see Mercy's ears up again after her ordeal! No fun for her, or you either. I'm happy to hear she's all healed up.

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

  6. As you take some great photographs, you might be interested in a photo challenge each month on my blog.

    It's called "5 on the fifth" - you either take 5 random pictures of something that happens to you on the 5th of September (or the days leading up to it) or perhaps go for my suggested theme. This month, the theme is The Blues.

    A link to past months can be found here:

    You add a comment on my blog on the 5th with your name, location and link where the pictures can be found.

    You can join the 5 on the fifth Facebook page too:


Because of a recent uptick in spam in comments, I've been forced to turn on comment moderation. Sorry about the inconvenience. I'll be approving your comment as soon as I can (assuming you aren't a dirty rotten spammer!)