Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ABC Wednesdays -- G is for Garlic

Well, I've been out of pocket, taking a small break from posting. This break was as much about taking a rest as it was about "recharging". But, it's a new month, and I'm back.

Today is ABC Wednesday, and the letter is "G" -- so here's one of my favorite ingredients -- GARLIC


Each Wednesday I, along with several other bloggers, will be posting pictures related to that week's letter of the alphabet. Click the link above or the picture below to see the other wonderful posts.


  1. maybe it's because I wrote about it - W is for weird - but it loks a bit like a headless chicken!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Hmm garlic. A must ingredient in many of our recipes(I live in India). It has many other benefits besides scaring away vampires.

  3. Garlic, it works for me, especially in salsa.


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