Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So Help Me God

So Help Me God

I had to work today, so I didn't get to attend the ceremonies today. We tried to watch it at work, but we did so along with pretty much every other internet connection on the planet, thus it was choppy and not too good.

Luckily, this is 2009, and there are HD copies of the moment on several websites.

So, capturing the moment being replayed is my picture of the day.


Sally said...

A huge day.....we watched much of it on TV here in Sydney, but not the actual inauguration - it was on at 3:30am! One Sydney-sider celebrates Barack Obama’s inauguration by tinkling the ivories

Have tried to watch the speech on You tube, but as you say it is so choppy.

Sashanicole said...

It was a GREAT day!

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